
Showing posts from October, 2018

Two Sotahuuto battles

This year's Sotahuuto has some really good strategists. This is one example where the outcome particularly surprised me. See the video here: There are two sides in this battle, but each side is split in two starting points. The side I was on has (among many others) Imperiumii Etelan in black and purple as well as Gobliniit in off-green. The other side most notable has Mahekainen in blue and white with a red blazon. The field is roughly rectangular and has a small dense forest off-center, and the half of our army I was in started in the corner farthest from the forest, while the other half was behind the forest, with the opposing armies in the other two corners. At the start of the video, you see the opposing forces that were on our right when looking into the middle. Our strategy was (roughly) to move as fast as at all possible across to the forest, presumably (I wasn't there for the strategizing) to meet the other half. The opponents