Bullet Journals Without the Pastels
Late last year, +Riona MacNamara introduced me to the idea of bullet journals , and I decided to give it a try over Christmas. It worked out for me and has seriously helped me getting shit done, without a snowfall of post-it notes to keep track of things (I have graphs and data to back this claim up, see the Statistics section). There are many pages describing bullet journals , most of them showing intricately decorated journals done in pastels. If you're allergic to pastels, or don't have time to decorate your planner, here's my explanation. Guaranteed no florals - hell, I can't even do a straight line. Task Tracking Here are the three parts of my bullet journal I use the most, the task tracking parts. It has three levels: generic future tasks roughly by month, tasks for the current month, and tasks for today. The future tracker is where you keep tasks that you want to get around to eventually, but either don't have t...